The Award Winning Rin.

Rin got second place in the Alex King Theme Design Competition!

Well it’s not really an award, it’s a competition I know, but still it’s the closest to an award the WordPress community has so indulge me for a moment while I bask in this feeling, and go through this little acceptance speech, honest it’s not going to be long. (Now if I ever get an Eisner that’s a completely different issue altogether, all bets are off then, but I digress).

First off I’d like to thank my partner in crime Joshua, who came through in flying colours. It took us three days to convert Manji2 into Rin, and another day for me to sort out the actual manual etc.

Rootie for being there at the beginning of the Rin & Manji expedition.

To all the users who’ve posted here and on the forums and sent me e-mails of thanks, support and bug reports I thank you, would have been what it is without you guys.

Honestly I’m not just saying this, after seeing some of the other entrants I thought that at best we’d get a mention, but nothing else really. So it honestly came as a complete surprise to see it there up second. Completely solid competition.

As said elsewhere, the real winners however in this competition where all the WordPress users. I can think of 50 designs that look absolutely fantastic, and they’re all under a GPL license. Sweet.


  1. Well Done! RIN is a piece of art. Keep it up.

    1 Ray Booysen
  2. General concensus among my livejournal friendslist was that Rin is the most deserving of the prizewinners — well done!

    2 the absent student
  3. congratulation! I like your theme and I use it :)

    I seem to understand your theme templates better than the other templates I’ve ever used :D (coz I am newbie in WP, just switched)

    3 echa
  4. Thanks TAS, means a lot to me.

    Echa, glad to hear it that was one of the main pushes. To make is as easy for the user as possible.

    4 Khaled
  5. Fantastic, congratulations for a very well deserved win!

    5 Zenith
  6. Congrats! Well deserved!

    6 Sebastian Schmieg
  7. Whoo Hoo!

    I was very happy to see your name up there in lights Khaled. You work hard on your themes and they are deserving of praise.

    Keep it up.

    7 Chris J. Davis
  8. Just to have played any part in such a piece of work was a privilege. Travesty you didnt win of course. Obviously a Stop Root conspiracy :)

    8 Root
  9. Hi Khaled
    I have Localized it into Persian ;)
    Tanx for your beautifull theme :)

    9 Ali_ix
  10. Just another mention for Rin - great theme and great as a basis of other themes. I took it and made some modifications for my new site, I think it looks great - but that’s mainly because of Rin!

    Thanks again!

    10 Adam