
A while back I talked about what the WordPress community was lacking. Upon reflection I’ve understood that in fact it’s not just the WordPress community that is lacking in a particular aspect, but in fact the blogging world in general.

All that matters is that you are blogging and by default part of movement that’s effectively changed the shape of the internet and how it’s used. You’re no longer just a consumer as many corporations would have you labelled as.

You are now a creator. You are an InkSmith.


  1. Oh jeez, I gotta update that picture…

    But seriusly, I’m thrilled to be part of this. I’m quite certain it’ll fill a void.

    1 Joen
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  2. Heh, mine seems like the only one out of place. Well… I guess I can change that can’t I? :)

    2 Bryan Veloso
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  3. We’ve already been labelled the sinister six ;) — Time to live it up :D

    3 Michael Heilemann
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  4. We’ve already been labelled the sinister six ;)

    In that case, I’m staking my claim for Doctor Octopus:)

    4 Phu
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  5. Bryan, whenever you want to change the actual picture send it to me (same goes for you Joen :) ).

    5 Khaled
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  6. So what can we expect oh sinister six?

    6 AkaXakA
    Quote | 14/11/2005
  7. “So what can we expect oh sinister six?

    Oh the usual stuff, world domination etc…

    7 Phu
    Quote | 15/11/2005
  8. Joen, don’t change the picture. You have that “You just caught me hacking up a body” look going for ya.

    8 Chris
    Quote | 15/11/2005
  9. Wow! You guys have sure got tongues wagging in the blogosphere. Can’t wait to see this up and running.

    9 Craig Hartel
    Quote | 15/11/2005
  10. I look forward to this. I’m certain it’s going to be a big help.

    10 Paolo
    Quote | 15/11/2005

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